At Brooksville Health Care Center, the importance of an active lifestyle for your loved one is of utmost importance. We have seen the quality of our resident’s life improved through the activities provided by our specialized activities staff.  The truth of the matter is most people do not realize how important nursing home activities are. There are numerous psychological, social, spiritual, as well as physical benefits associated with residents’ participation in activities.

Activities Improve Mental Health

The mental health of residents can have a tremendous impact on their lives in a number of different ways. Loneliness and depression are more likely to occur among residents who lack a strong family support system. Through friendships with others in our community, they can share life stories, laugh, and talk about any concerns they may have with their current situation, thus improving their psychological and social well-being. Mental well-being can be improved by participating in activities. Getting support and making new friends is especially easy with group activities. By providing activities, residents feel safe, have something to do, and have a purpose in life.

Routine Activities Get Residents Engaged

Routine activities are also important for residents. It can be reassuring to have a routine throughout the day and to know what to expect. We keep our residents busy with fun activities rather than letting them watch TV or sleep. Residents get to know and care for each other through activities such as ice cream socials, trivia, sing-alongs, story telling, etc. These activities promote socialization among residents which can develop into significant friendships. 

It is important for residents to remember the passions and hobbies that they once enjoyed. Here at Brooksville Healthcare Center, we honor that by providing residents with many ways to have fun on a regular basis. Experience our activities firsthand by scheduling a tour today!


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